Andrea Scarpino:

As many car insurances companies do, my car insurance company provides a satellite device that can be put inside your car to provide its location at any time in any place.
 By installing such device in your car, the car insurance profiles your conduct, of course, but it could also help the police in finding your car if it gets stolen and you will probably get a nice discount over the insurance price (even up to 40%!). Long story short: I got one.
 Often such companies also provide an “App” for smartphones to easily track your car when you are away or to monitor your partner…mine (the company!) do.
 Then I downloaded my company’s application for Android, but unluckily it needs the Google Play Services to run. I am a FOSS evangelist and, as such, I try to use FOSS apps only and without gapps.
 Luckily I’m also a developer and, as such, I try to develop the applications I need most; using mitmproxy, I started to analyze the APIs used by the App to write my own client.