Tesla’s shares roared to over $250 on Tuesday February 5th, amid release of financial results. Tesla’s 8-K regulatory filing highlights a record 6,892 Model S’s sold, non-GAAP earnings of $46M ($0.33 on a per share basis), and projected vehicle delivery growth of 55% among others. The shares are currently trading just above the $260 during after-hours trading.
Here we find ourselves at yet another quarterly earnings report, and yet again when looking at the GAAP figures, Tesla posts a net loss of about $74 million, and an EPS of -$0.62. Yet another year of losses for Tesla, but the punch line for accounting stiffs like myself seems to be “who cares!”
From this time last year Tesla’s share price has grown over 600% (this time last year, it was trading at $34.38 versus $248 today).[1] For those of you who have consulted my past work for free investment advice in the past, I apologize, but I am quickly learning that a business degree doesn’t turn you into Jordan Belfort overnight. To capture the highlights of Tesla’s recent results I present you with the good, the bad, and the ugly.