About & Sponsor

The premise of Asymcar is that the automobile industry will change dramatically when information technologies converge with transportation. This hypothesis comes from having witnessed how the telecommunication and entertainment industries were similarly “disrupted” by computing.

Horace was a student and is a friend of Clayton Christensen who while at Harvard Business School developed the theory of industry change through asymmetric competition. Since then he has experienced and chronicled the process of change in telecommunications. This is illustrated in another blog (asymco.com) and podcast (The Critical Path).

These online properties are widely acclaimed and read:

108,000 unique recurring readers
35,000 Linkedin followers
36,000 Twitter followers
1,900 email list subscribers
1,900 Facebook friends

Jim co-founded a cloud CRM software as a service (SAAS) firm in 1995. The firm’s software and native apps support organizations using information technology strategically, as an asset, rather than an expense.

With Asymcar we turned our attention to cars, a subject attracting a great deal of passion but not much analysis of business model innovation.

75,000 readers receive an alert when a new asymcar podcast is published.

Sponsorship opportunities are available.

